Ted Dunning

Ted Dunning is the VP of Incubator at Apache Software foundation as well as member of the Board of Directors at Apache and mentor on many recent projects. Ted is the Chief Application Architect at MapR Technologies and previously was the chief architect behind the MusicMatch (now Yahoo Music) and Veoh recommendation systems. He built fraud detection systems for ID Analytics (LifeLock) and he has 24 patents issued to date and a dozen pending. Ted has a PhD in computing science from the University of Sheffield. When he’s not doing data science, he plays mandolin and guitar. He also bought the beer at the first Hadoop user group meeting.
For the third conversation in our Conversations with Berlin Buzzwords series our Project Manager Nina Müller chatted with Ted Dunning. Nina and Ted discussed the mood and atmosphere of Berlin Buzzwords and the importance of serendipity. Listen to our third conversation to hear about Ted’s views on the evolving scope of Berlin Buzzwords and much more.