Qin Tang

TangQin is a senior software engineer of Naver Corp., mainly focus on big data processing field. Naver Corp. is an internet company which operates Korea's top search engine Naver and manages global mobile services such as the mobile messenger LINE, video messenger Snow, and group communication service BAND. Currently, TangQin is the core developer of a large-scale log management system called NELO used inside Naver. Nelo handles various kinds of logs and processes over 3 billions' logs every day. It provides real-time search, trouble shooting, monitoring alert, and data visualization to other application developers inside Naver. Besides, TangQin participated in a large scale network flow analysis system called NFAS, which collects NetFlow data from switches, analyze, and visualize the network data. NFAS processes over tens of thousands of data every second.
Prior to join Naver Corp, TangQin was a senior software engineer of Marvell, which is a producer of storage, communications and consumer semiconductor products. During the period in Marvell, TangQin was the core developer of Code Performance Analyzer project, which can help embedded system designers to identify hot spots and performance bottlenecks in system and application.
TangQin is interested, using, and focus on many big data processing techniques, like Elasticsearch, Kafka, Storm, OpenTSDB, Hadoop, ....