Conversations with... Uwe Schindler

In the fourth conversation of our Conversations with Berlin Buzzwords series Nina talks to Uwe Schindler. Uwe is a committer and PMC member of Apache Lucene and Solr. His main focus is on the development of Lucene Java and he has talked about Lucene at various international conferences including the previous Berlin Buzzwords, ApacheCon EU/US, Lucene Revolution, Lucene Eurocon, and various local meetups.

Nina and Uwe discussed all things Lucene and the reasons why Uwe keeps coming back to Berlin Buzzwords. Also listen out for Uwe’s advice for German open source enthusiasts and much more.

Our Berlin Buzzwords Project Manager, Nina Müller, has been speaking to some of the important and interesting people who have been involved with Berlin Buzzwords over the years. Over the coming weeks we will be publishing these conversations to give you some insight into the world of Berlin Buzzwords. In two weeks we will bring you our interview with Ellen Friedman.

Follow Uwe on twitter @thetaph1

Uwe’s Blog and Homepage

Watch Uwe’s previous Berlin Buzzwords talks here